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joe royal 3:15 Fri Mar 27
Dartford - and surrounding areas
The bint is looking to move from E17 and can only afford a 3 bed in Kent

Seeing as the only time I've been out in Dartford was about 1984 to see soft cell at flicks any info I have is out dated by now

Apparently the schools are good (she has an 8yo) but other than that any ideas on the good areas and the bad areas

Thank you lovely Kentish people

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Oliver Cromwell 9:11 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
Thamesmead could of been a lovely place when built (the new side) but Labour shipped all the scum into there

Oliver Cromwell 9:10 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas

LeroysBoots 5:50 Fri Mar 27

Crayford is full of Pikeys lot of travellers round there
would steer cleer of Crayford and Erith

Far Cough 8:13 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
Anyone who moves out of Ilford doesn't know what they're missing

joe royal 8:09 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
Except Ilford Scraper - except Ilford

Scraper 8:02 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
If we're being absolutely frank, 9 out of 10 urban UK areas are shit holes.

bell 7:58 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas


bell 7:57 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
Gruesome DumpĀ 4:36 Fri Mar 27

I don't know either of those puns. I'm pretty much opposite bluewater. But since the little one has come along I hardly go out.

I'm hoping that Theme Park is gonna send house prices up and I can move on to be fair.

violator 7:36 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
Amount of times I've woken up there on the last train, ended up in the sidings once.

LeroysBoots 6:29 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
Badger, been there once to get my car serviced, I had to drive through Dartford and it looked awful, at least Crayford had a big green space, some old house and park !

peroni 6:23 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
As Joey says here :
Joey Woodwork 4:44 Fri Mar 27

Things are going to change in the area when the theme park is built:


The area's a bit of a shit-hole, but prices are going to rocket and when they do, you can sell up and move to proper Kent - Tunbridge Wells and the surrounding idylic hamlets.

Speak to OneMac. He moved from Essex to Kent last year and confided in me, the other week, that his only regret is that he didn't do it earlier. Reckons the people, the pubs, the women, everything is better down in the Garden. Says he can at last just relax and stop being flash and poncey. Rumour is, he's even binned his tanning lotion and teeth whitener.


Hammer and Pickle 6:15 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
Expect to be terminated in Dartford - it is quite literally at the end of the line.

Badger1 6:12 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
lol are you drunk Leroy

LeroysBoots 5:50 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
Crayford is the nicer part of Dartford

Badger1 5:20 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas

Don't remember anyone called Alex. although I did go through a patch where I used a different boozer for a few years

JOHNNY V 5:20 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
It's not that bad I think gruesome summed it up well when he said it has no redeeming features at all, feels absolutely soulless. But I grew up living in and around kidbrooke/Charlton/woolwhich and dartford is better than that, it depends what your comparing it to.

Badger1 5:12 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
The Ivy leaf is ok. Cant stand the governor though. Malt shovel just down the road is a better pub. If your near Princes road you need to be the west side of it really.

violator 5:10 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
Unless your at the bit by the traffic lights near Homebase

PlaistowIron 5:10 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
The Ivy Leaf is just off Princes Rd, 5 minutes from the ground. Lovely little pub

violator 5:09 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
No Pubs in walking distance if you're on Princes Road, fuck that.

PlaistowIron 5:08 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas

Alex, blonde girl. Used to be a barmaid, her mum owned the boozer I believe and she just worked there.

PlaistowIron 5:08 Fri Mar 27
Re: Dartford - and surrounding areas
In all honesty Dartford isn't that bad.

Compared with Thurrock just over the water, Grays and Aveley especially, Dartford is much better, great schools, good transport links and quiet streets, if you're off Dartford Road or Princes Road for example.

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